Jon "Hubie" Huber

Founder and Lead Investigator


What are we?  We are paranormal investigators of Northern Kentucky and it's surrounding areas.  The Hauntings Investigators of Northern Kentucky (THINK) is a paranormal investigation group (more commonly referred to as ghost hunters) based out of the Northern Kentucky area.  We are a paranormal group that serves the Tri-State area and "beyond".  Our base area of investigations are Northern Kentucky, Southern Ohio, and Southeastern Indiana.  We would never limit ourselves to only this area, and would travel nationwide if necessary to help those in need of our assistance.

Who are we?  We are a group of individuals all with different backgrounds, beliefs, and opinions of what the paranormal is or is not.  There is no one way of knowing what lies beyond our physical scope of reality.  We are not experts.  There are no experts in the paranormal field.  There are individuals and groups with experience and methods that yield great results.  Some of our members have been, and are part of these groups.  Within our group are experienced paranormal investigators and novices to the field.  We prefer to have this mix of novice and experience because it creates a diversity and brings new ideas to the field.

Our goal first and foremost is to help our clients understand what may be occurring in their home, business, or property.  It is priority that no person should live in fear where they should feel the safest.  THINK wants to provide evidence to clients to show they are not being haunted or part of paranormal activity.  Most claims can be disproved by natural causes.  We at THINK strongly believe that we can help as outsiders to their situation.  A person or persons living under suspected paranormal conditions becomes accustomed to living that way and cannot see the root cause. Hence they will continue to believe the paranormal reason for the strange activity.  An outsider can assess the situation from a different point of view, and in turn provide a natural or real world explanation for activity.

THINK Paranormal was founded to help those who cannot help themselves when it comes to the paranormal and hauntings.  We will take all cases and claims seriously and treat them with a business like manner from beginning to end.  THINK will always provide what we believe to be truthful evidence of unexplained phenomena. 

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